6380,70: UNID station @ 12.53. SINPO 33333. Signing off soon, technical problems seem to be a reason. Here is the recording: http://www.radio.strefa.pl/file_09.MP3
6986: UNID station (presumably Connection Radio) @ 12.46. SINPO 22232. Soon drifted slowly (in several minutes) up to 6990 kHz and later to 6991,20 kHz. Here is the recording: http://www.radio.strefa.pl/file_08.MP3
This blog consists of free radio logs made in central Poland. Receiver: Kenwood R-5000. Antenna: LOCATION NO. 1: (city of Warsaw) Wellbrook Active Loop Antenna ALA1530S+ (Aluminium), 2,5m above the roof on 12m high building (densly populated area, relatively high level of noise); LOCATION NO. 2: 40km from Warsaw, 45m longwire with baloon, 12m above earth level (noise free area)
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